Deployment Survival Tip #5- Plan something
Nothing helps the time pass like being able to look forward to something. For me, this has been getting ready for my 3 sisters and their kids to come visit. I had high hopes of having gift baskets made for each cousin and sister, but I got swamped sorting girl clothes. There was a method to my madness, I swap clothes with 2 of my sisters. When Amanda outgrows an item, I set it aside to pass along. Then when their girls outgrow the said item, they pass it back to me for Marie. I wanted to be ready to pass along more clothes and get an idea about what I need to get for school clothes.
Everyone will be here by 10 am Tuesday. Are you sitting down. That means by 10 am Tuesday, we will have 12, yes 12 kids and 4 adults. I hope the kids don't decide to have a mutany.
Then our next adventure includes haircuts. I MUST take before and AFTER pictures and a trip to White Sands.
In case I forget to mention it, thanks for making the trip.
I love your survival tips! Keep up the good work. And what a fun thing to have all of your sisters come to visit! Take lots of pictures!
Take pictures for me also! I love you all. Have a great time together.
This isn't adam, but wouldn't it be fun if he posted on your blog!
So fun, so fun, so fun! I am so glad to be here with you all!
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