Sure there is a whole bunch of stuff that EVERY wife and mother does, but I thought I would highlight a few.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday.
Am I disturbed that my husband has an M-4 slung over his shoulder while our kids are around. No, not at all.
This being my 5th deployment, I have learned a few things.
1. Busy kids are happy kids.
After we said goodbye and Mike headed for the bus, we headed to Carl's Jr with an air conditioned play place and some good friends. The kids ran around like crazy and I got an Oreo Milkshake and chatted with my good friend.
Day 1 has been great. Of course it should be. If day 1 is AWFUL most Army wives would have left a long time ago.
Here are a few photos from today.
I took the opportunity to organize something. It is amazing how organizing just one little corner of your life helps you feel more "in-control" I choose my broom closet. I had picked up the shelves at Target. I intended to use them for my sewing stuff (That is another post.) But I opened my broom closet and I couldn't take it any more!! I pulled everything out, swept it. I remembered that I had the shelves and sure enough, they fit. I wasn't sure because of the sloped ceiling. It was a fun project and Adam helped me assemble the shelves. Note to self: Remember to take before pictures, so you can be REALLY impressed.
We also went to the neighbors pool with friends. The kids burned off a whole bunch of energy. So much that Amanda feel asleep on the way to return the Redbox movie at 7pm.
Wonderful! Even though we talk daily, this is still super exciting. Ps, you won
Pps. Compare the photos of Marie in this post and Amanda in the post from 2008. That might be the same pink shirt:)
Is that Amanda jumping off the side of the pool? Great picture.
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