Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 4 - Unknown Name Unknown Number

Do you remember what life was like before caller ID?  If the phone rang, you answered it.  Well, usually you answered it.  Something in my brain says that when I was growning-up, we didn't answer the phone during dinner, but, then again, we probably did.  All of us kids usually raced to the phone, hopeful it was for us.  We didn't have an answering machine, so any missed call was actually a LOST call.  What if was an emergency, or a friend or...

Nowadays, I use caller-ID often.   Being the mom of three kids, there is RARELY a good time to answer a call.  One of my kids is usually on the brink of spontaneously combusting or I am in the middle of changing a diaper, or I know that just as soon as I pick up the phone a little one (or big one) will find me to tattle on the other or ask for some forbidden food.   I get plenty of "Unknown Name, Unknown Number" calls.  Usually, it is from United Blood Services, calling to let me know that I am eligible to donate, AGAIN.  No, thank yoooooouu, I would prefer not to faint in front of complete strangers.  My kids also know that we don't answer "Unknown Name, Unknown Number" calls.  I have them so well trained that most days, they don't even hear the phone when it rings.  In the past, if I were busy or unable to answer the phone, I would let it go to voice mail or I would check Caller-ID and return the call when it was convenient.

Today, during dinner, the phone rang.  From my place at the dinner table I turned around to look at the display on the phone base.  It said, "Name not found."  "Odd?"  I thought, "I have never seen that before", so I checked the number.  It read "10081111153"  My mind scrolled through the mini Rolodex in my mind.  "1008? I don't know anyone with that pre-fix."  My mind kept scrolling through the Rolodex, "1008, 1008, 1008--That is an international number, maybe?"  Now by this time we are on ring 3 and a half.  The call will soon be sucked into the black hole of voice mail.  Remember when you could pick up the phone mid-message if you had an answering machine?  Forget it, if it goes to voice mail. "1008?  Yeah, that would be an inter...."  I couldn't make my fingers work quick enough.  Of course it was an international call!?!  I am so dense sometimes!

I pushed the green button on my phone and said a breathless, "Hello?"



More silence.

I closed my eyes and said a little prayer.  "Hello?"... please, please, please I whispered  

"Robin?" My heart melted and jumped all at the same time at the sound of Mike's voice.  I smiled.

"Hey, Baby!  How are you?"  With that, the kids exploded in chorus, "DADDY, I want to talk to Daddy!"

So, here I am, back to the days of answering every "Unknown Name, Unknown Number" call.


Jacqui said...

You need to get yourself on a do not call list. It has cut our unknown name/number calls drastically. Then you won't have to pause to wonder who it is!

As you know, I just got caller ID after 7 years of marriage. It is a delicious addition to my noseyness.

Don't worry, I always answer your calls

Laura George said...

I hear ya! My fave is the 5 digit numbers. The first time I got one of those from my hubby I was thinking about not answering, but when they are gone, you just don't chance it.

Brenny said...

I don't answer calls that don't have numbers, either. Curt and Cathy don't have caller ID, so not only am I not sure I should answer the phone at their house, I also have no idea if it is one of them calling to ask for help or something... Needless to say a ringing phone brings some anxiety.

How great you got to hear Mike's voice!

M. Henry said...

Gotta love it when the hubby calls <3

shan said...

I am so glad you took that call! I have done that with Evan before.