My friend Michelle said once that the day that she missed her husband the most was on Trash day. I guess, technically it was the night before trash day when she was wrestling heavy, stinky cans to the curb. She would tell herself, "One more trash day down."
I don't mind trash day so much. I have a 10 year old and that has become one of his assignments. Besides, El Paso has curbside recycling. Neither 90 gallon can is ever too heavy. Stinky, yes. I can't help that because the trash just cooks in the El Paso heat. YUCK, but like I said, I have a 10 year old and that is his job.
My least favorite day is Sunday. The dread and depression set in Saturday night after the kids are all bathed and in bed.
Ahhh, here we go again.
During the course of the weekday, as a busy mom, I don't really have a chance to miss Mike. School, scouts, lessons, cooking, cleaning and running errands--I barely have time to go to the bathroom, let alone dwell on the fact that I am alone. I can almost fool myself into thinking that Mike is "just at work."
Going to church seems to underline the fact that I am alone. Now, I know that when I am at church, I am far from alone. I am surrounded by loving, supportive people who would do ANYTHING to help. Watching other geographically "whole" families, however, is just too much.
Because I have a toddler, I spend a lot of time out in the hall during church. A few Sundays ago, I had to take Marie out. While I was gone, Adam and Amanda started annoying each other and getting loud. Bless the sweet grandma, Myrna, who quietly moved up a pew and sat in between Adam and Amanda.
Today, started out pretty rough. I ended up yelling at the kids and by the time we were loaded in the car ALL of the children had lost ALL T.V. privileges for the next decade. I was so frustrated and angry by the time we got to church, I didn't even want to go in. I didn't want to see all the families with Daddies sitting together. I didn't want to wrestle Marie through the service. I didn't want to.
But I did, because I believe that when it comes to Spiritual things, when you don't want to do it, that is when you need it the most.
It ended up being one of the best Sundays I have had in a long time. Through the events of the day, the classes that were taught and the comments that were made, I was humbled. I felt God's love and His awareness of me and my challenges. Tonight, as I write this, I am especially glad that I went to church today.
Deployment survival tip #6--Go to church. Even if you don't feel like it.
What a great post! I love the part where they lost all TV privileges for a decade. I HAVE DONE THAT! It made me laugh out loud. Good for you going to church even when it is hard. You are a great example!
Sundays are the longest days for us too! I've been surrounding myself with friends and trying to plan a special something for the afternoon/evenings to break up the monotony... and make it fly by a little quicker!
I think I go "postal" on my kids on a weekly basis because I don't have Gamble to offset the "button pushing" that commences on a daily basis in my house. Sunday is also my worst day but for a different reason - it is my nap day. When you take a nap without a husband to referee, you wake up to more messes than you care to think about and have to clean. Yes, the girls help but it is not the same! I'm always a call or email away if you need to talk.
I love you Robin, for your candor but also for your humility & willingness. I believe God sends blessings when we honor His day of rest. There is no real rest with your husband "at work," but you will see the positive results of your choices for many years to come :)
I totally agree with you about weekends. They are the worst when your hubby is deployed! I always liked to think he is just at work but no fooling your mind on Saturday and Sunday when everyone else is spending the day with their spouse. I am still on my own every other Sunday, good thing the deployments gave me lots of procatice.
Wow,poor showing by me here. Is that why you haven't updated?
Mom wants pictures. It is up to you, sistafriend.
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